Audits and Health Checks

Strategic Audits and Health Checks

strategic audits & health checkes
We identify and analyse the areas of your business operation with the greatest opportunity for sales growth. 


A Bums on Seats Strategic Sales Audit © will analyse in detail your end-to-end sales processes and systems set up.

We created Strategic Sales and Marketing Audits for the sector as a way of enabling us to identify the tangible areas of your business operation with the greatest opportunity for sales growth, including short term quick wins and longer-term strategic solutions.

Our Audits are reviewed across 4 main headings to determine our findings and present these back to you at the end of the project. Systems, Process, Sales, Marketing, followed by a 90-day strategy.


We offer five types of Health Checks so you can pick what is right for your business: Systems, Process, Sales & Marketing.
Many of these are inter-related and demonstrate how your venue can improve the customer journey and experience, in order to secure loyalty and repeat business. Our aim is to act as a critical friend, to help you understand where changes can be made, and to help you make those changes.
Our Report will be clear and concise, and supported by evidence, including ‘the mystery shopper’.
We will identify clear actions that can be implemented straight away to improve efficiency leading to increased sales.

Set the
for growth
with a Bums


We offer five types of Health Checks so you can pick what is right for your business: Systems, Process, Sales & Marketing.

Many of these are inter-related and demonstrate how your venue can improve the customer journey and experience, in order to secure loyalty and repeat business. Our aim is to act as a critical friend, to help you understand where changes can be made, and to help you make those changes.

Our Report will be clear and concise, and supported by evidence, including ‘the mystery shopper’.

We will identify clear actions that can be implemented straight away to improve efficiency leading to increased sales.

Take a look at some of the real-life opportunities we have uncovered in the last year for business we've worked with: 

Extra pre-booked revenue generated in 12 months through increasing sales conversion from 26% to 73%.
Increasing the average spend per head by £3 against just 25% of prebooked covers over 12 months.
Potential revenue generated in 12 months through increasing the volume of private hires by only 30%.
Accepting just 36 more pre-booked covers every weekend across 12 sites.
Hosting three seated events per month across the estate = £1.6m annual turnover increase.
Revenue generated in four months for a single site following post-audit system amends.

To find out more about how we can support your business, get in touch!